TIBET, the Roof of the World, is a vast country with size almost 15 times of Korea. It is a land rich in minerals and the variety of its flora and fauna. And, contrary to popular belief, Tibet is not entirely arid and barren – it has vast areas rich in forests, endless pasturelands suitable for animal husbandry and extensive fertile valleys. Surrounded by high snow-capped mountain ranges and dotted with numerous lakes, Tibet is also the source of many great rivers – the Yar lung Tsang-po (Brahmaputra), Senge Khabab (Indus), Dri-chu (Yangtze), Za chu (Mekong), Ma chu (Yellow river), Gyalmo Ngulchu (Salween) to name a few. Moreover, covering an area in excess of 2.5 million square kilometers, Tibet borders on India, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma to the south; with Eastern Turkistan to the north and with China to the east. Tibet, therefore, commands not only the highest but also the most strategic position in Central Asia.

The Tibetan people are a distinct race with its own spoken and written language, culture, traditions, food and dress. In 1959 the population of Tibet was estimated at six million. An estimated 1.2 million Tibetans have died as a direct result of Chinese occupation.


SIZE: 2.5 million sq. km.


POPULATION: 6 million Tibetans and an estimated 7.5 million Chinese, most of whom are in Kham and Amdo

LANGUAGE: Tibetan (of the Tibeto-Burmese language family).

PROVINCES: Amdo, Kham & U-Tsang

BORDERING COUNTRIES: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, China

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Early Life

  • July 6, 1935: Born as Lhamo Thondup in the small village of Taktser in Amdo, northeastern Tibet

  • 1937: At the age of 2, he was identified as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso.

  • February 22, 1940: Enthroned as the 14th Dalai Lama, assuming the religious leadership of Tibet at the age of 4.

  • 1941: Began his traditional monastic education at age 6, studying logic, Tibetan culture, Buddhist philosophy, medicine, Sanskrit, poetry, and more.

Chinese Occupation

  • November 7, 1950: At the age of 15, assumed full temporal (political) power as Tibet’s head of state, following the invasion of Tibet by the People’s Liberation Army of China.

  • 1954: Traveled to Beijing to meet Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong. He also met Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping. Initially, he sought peaceful coexistence but became disillusioned by China’s repressive policies.

  • March 10, 1959: The Tibetan people staged a massive uprising against Chinese rule in Lhasa, when Chinese tried to assassinate the Dalai Lama.

  • March 17, 1959: Disguised as soldier and fled Tibet.

  • 1960: Established the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), a government-in-exile, in Dharamshala.

1970s ~ 1990s: International Advocacy

  • 1973: Began traveling extensively to spread awareness about the Tibetan cause and to promote Buddhist teachings.

  • 1979: Adopted "Middle-way approach" and established dialogue between Dharamsala and Beijing.

  • 1979 - 1985: China accepts four fact-finding delegations to Tibet, in August 1979, May 1980, June 1980 and June 1985.

  • 1987: Proposed the Five-Point Peace Plan at the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus. This plan called for Tibet to become a zone of peace and for respect for the Tibetan people's human rights.

  • Held first mind and life conference, exploring Buddhism and the Cognitive Sciences in Dharamsala, India.

  • 1988: Elaborated his vision for Tibetan autonomy in his Strasbourg Proposal, which sought meaningful self-rule for Tibet while remaining under Chinese sovereignty.

  • 1989: Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his commitment to nonviolence and his efforts to resolve the Tibetan issue peacefully.

Four Main Commitments

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, has dedicated his life to serving humanity through four principal commitments that reflect his profound spiritual wisdom and global vision:

silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain
silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain

His Holiness emphasizes the importance of cultivating universal values such as compassion, kindness, tolerance, and forgiveness, which transcend religious boundaries. He advocates for a more peaceful and ethical world by fostering a sense of shared humanity.

lighted candle on brown round holder
lighted candle on brown round holder
sitting buddha beside pillar candles
sitting buddha beside pillar candles
Promotion of Religious Harmony

His Holiness believes that despite philosophical differences , all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings. He works tirelessly to encourage harmony and respect among different faiths

a person sitting on the floor reading a book
a person sitting on the floor reading a book
Preservation of Tibetan Culture

As a Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness is committed to preserving Tibet’s unique cultural heritage, language, and Buddhist traditions. He also advocates for the protection of Tibet’s fragile environment, highlighting the ecological importance of the Tibetan Plateau.

Reviving Awareness of Ancient Indian Knowledge

Recognizing the need for moral principles in a secular world, His Holiness promotes a universal approach to ethics, rooted in ancient Indian knowledge, that can unite people regardless of their religious or non-religious beliefs.

Promotion of Human Value